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BUCKY Plastic Surgery
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Medical Weight Loss Done Right

Featuring Semaglutide Injections

Experience significant fat loss while preserving muscle by leveraging the latest advancements and state-of-the-art medical technology to monitor your progress, personalize your treatment plan, and optimize your results. 

Are you tired of the endless cycle of diets that fail to deliver significant and lasting results? Look no further! Our Medical Weight Loss Program featuring Semaglutide Injections is here to revolutionize your weight loss journey.

What sets us apart is that we combine proven weight loss injections with our body analysis, contouring, and wellness treatments so that you look and feel your best from the inside out. The BBC Weight Loss & Wellness Program is the most simple and safe way to get the body you always desired – and deserve. We provide a variety of licensed medical professionals (nurses, nutritionists, surgeons) and body enhancement treatments (cryotherapy, red light therapy, skin tightening, cellulite reduction, and more!),  all under one roof to achieve results only achievable at the Bucky Body Center!

A Leader in Medical Weight Loss

We understand that weight loss isn’t just about shedding pounds; it’s about transforming your body and your life. That’s why we’ve developed a holistic approach focusing on maintaining lean muscle mass while shedding excess fat for a healthy metabolism and overall well-being. We go beyond traditional weight loss methods by offering exclusive and innovative body contouring and wellness treatments that allow us to tailor your program to your individual needs, ensuring you achieve optimal results. Our nurses, surgeons, body specialists and nutritionists are all a part of your team and routine communication.

While achieving your weight loss goals are important, maintaining your results and adopting healthy habits for life is our ultimate priority. Our experienced licensed professionals provide you with the education, support, and resources you need to make lasting changes. Every patient of the BBC Wellness & Weight Loss Program has succeeded – or exceeded – in meeting their goals when following our program.

Why Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a groundbreaking medication that has gained widespread attention for its effectiveness in weight management. It works as a catalyst for change by targeting the areas of the brain that regulate appetite, helping you feel full and satisfied with smaller portions resulting in a leaner, more sculpted physique. Welcome a new era of effective, sustainable fat loss.

Medical Weight Loss results before and after photo

Before and After Medical Weight Loss

BBC Weight Loss & Wellness Program

  • Weekly semaglutide injections
  • DEXA Scan body composition analysis
  • Expert nutritional counseling
  • Membership discounts on Bucky Body Center Wellness & Cosmetic treatments
  • Flexible payment options

Ultimate BBC Weight Loss & Wellness Program

BBC Wellness & Weight Loss Program In The Press

Philadelphia Magazine |
The Wellness Edition March 2024

Discover how the multi-faceted approach to weight loss at Bucky Body Center is helping patients transform their bodies and reclaim their health in Philadelphia Magazine.

Dr. Bucky consulting

Philadelphia Magazine |
The Wellness Edition Jan 2024

Looking for the truth about weight loss injections? Check out this feature in Philadelphia Magazine, where Dr. Bucky sheds light about the newest, most trendy way to shed pounds.